About US
Project Home Children's Foundation was started in 2010 out of a deep desire to help vulnerable children through various activities and means of support. Motivated by the love and mercy we've received from Jesus Christ, we are dedicated to supporting orphanages, education, and other programs for underprivileged children around the world--particularly those who are orphaned or have special needs.
We provide adoption grants to Christian families who are welcoming children into their hearts and homes. We also work domestically and internationally to support existing organizations who share our vision by providing them with supplies, training and other means of assistance.
Many of our board members have traveled around the United States or all the way to China or Uganda to serve the underprivileged and those with special needs. These eye-opening and life-changing experiences have only furthered our commitment to serve God's people in any way He calls us.
"We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth."
-1 John 3:16-18

Kelly Cox
Kelly obtained her bachelor's degree in education from Northeastern Illinois University and has been a special education teacher since 2007. In addition, she has obtained a master's degree in Educational Leadership and Administration from the University of Saint Francis and a master's degree in Human Services - Exercise Science from Concordia University.

Rachael Ssenyonjo
Vice President
Rachael graduated from Wheaton College with a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. She worked for 6 years with adults with developmental disabilities before going back to school to get a Master’s degree at Saint Xavier University in Special Education. Rachael has been teaching since 2006.

Sarah Marchmont
Sarah obtained bachelor’s degrees in English and Interdisciplinary Communications before going on to Northwestern University to earn a master's degree in Journalism. She works as a writer and photographer for an international non-profit that is dedicated to fostering spiritual and community development in East Africa.

Faith Ewers
Faith has been a registered nurse since 2004, and has obtained a bachelor’s degree in Nursing. She is currently working to become a Nurse Practitioner from the University of Saint Francis.

Kevin Chlada
Kevin has obtained his bachelor's degree in Commerce: Marketing and Management with a concentration in Sales Leadership from DePaul University. In addition, he has obtained a Culinary Arts Certificate.

Patrick Chlada
Patrick is the founder and president of Revive Your Lawn (founded in 2003), a local landscaping company. Before joining the board of Project Home, Patrick and his buisness were big contributors and supporters of this foundation.

Dave Fang
Techincal Support
Dave is a Manager Consultant at Sogeti USA (Part of Capgemini) specializing in application and database design. He has received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Oral Roberts University.